2018-06-07 17:50:42 UTC
Guten Tag robertlazarski,
a custom HttpConnectionFactory and make Axis2 to use that, while I've
already provided a custom connection manager to Axis2 in the past with
non-default settings. What I'm missing currently is the part where the
request body gets serialized, "DefaultHttpRequestWriterFactory" reads
like it only handles headers...
I see. If you think your code may be generally useful please considerThe Apache httpcomponents lib from the client [...] can tune some of
the rate behavior.
So "7.1. Custom client connections" seem to be the way to go: Providethe rate behavior.
a custom HttpConnectionFactory and make Axis2 to use that, while I've
already provided a custom connection manager to Axis2 in the past with
non-default settings. What I'm missing currently is the part where the
request body gets serialized, "DefaultHttpRequestWriterFactory" reads
like it only handles headers...
submitting patches.
Since request.getInputStream() can only be called once, a trick is to read
it in a filter first so then the stacktrace shows the read location.
In my funky GSON setup I am currently working on, that is occurring in
AxisServlet.doPost() .
Really though, I would first look at nginx or some type of proxy
server first as that is perhaps the best tool for the job.
I'll keep that in mind, already had a quick look at Squid, which myserver first as that is perhaps the best tool for the job.
customer is using anyway and that sounds promising as well. Using
something in my app/Axis2 might provide the benefit of less admin
overhead for my customer, though. Some parts of his infrastructure are
even outsourced and can't be influenced easily.
Mit freundlichen GrÃŒÃen,
Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme
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