Anoobkumar (JIRA)
2018-06-13 19:03:00 UTC
Anoobkumar created AXIS2-5920:
Summary: namespace mismatch - found none
Key: AXIS2-5920
Project: Axis2
Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: Anoobkumar
Attachments: service.wsdl
I am migrating a Soap With Attachment service from Axis 1.4 to Axis2. When hitting the service end point from SOAP UI, i am getting the below error. Can anyone please help?
Attached the WSDL file and request body.
Request Body:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soa="">
<soapenv:Body xmlns:soa="">
<orchestrateAcordRequest xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="">
<bin href="b4f63251-c62e-405f-b2fa-939abd706f43" xmlns:types=""/>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsa="">
{color:#FF0000}<faultstring>namespace mismatch require found none</faultstring>{color}
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Summary: namespace mismatch - found none
Key: AXIS2-5920
Project: Axis2
Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: Anoobkumar
Attachments: service.wsdl
I am migrating a Soap With Attachment service from Axis 1.4 to Axis2. When hitting the service end point from SOAP UI, i am getting the below error. Can anyone please help?
Attached the WSDL file and request body.
Request Body:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soa="">
<soapenv:Body xmlns:soa="">
<orchestrateAcordRequest xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="">
<bin href="b4f63251-c62e-405f-b2fa-939abd706f43" xmlns:types=""/>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsa="">
{color:#FF0000}<faultstring>namespace mismatch require found none</faultstring>{color}
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